To receive Christ is far more than a mere acknowledgment of His claims. To receive Him and to believe in His name is to fully comprehend His deity and His role as our savior and substitutionary atonement. Furthermore, it is to wholly view Him as Lord and master, and to yield our whole being to His service." - Pastor Justin Myers
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1. Download the file by right clicking the icon and then playing it.
2. You should be given a choice of 3 different players. We recommend Music player for Google Drive, but any of the 3 should work.
3. Your computer for downloads must have a mp3 player.
Thank you for your interest in God's Word.
1. Download the file by right clicking the icon and then playing it.
2. You should be given a choice of 3 different players. We recommend Music player for Google Drive, but any of the 3 should work.
3. Your computer for downloads must have a mp3 player.
Thank you for your interest in God's Word.